Here you can find answers to some of the questions that I get a lot.


Question: There is a spell that I would like you to cast but it's not on your website. Can you do it?

Answer: Please contact me using the contact section and give me as much information as possible about the situation. Then I'll tell you whether it can be accomplished using magic or not.


Question: Can I get any harm by your spells?

Answer: I've a lot of experience and there's no chance of you getting any harm. All of the spells that I cast are 100% safe. Magic is sometimes dangerous but I won't cast any dangerous spells for you.


Question: After I buy a spell from you, is there anything that I should do?

Answer: No. You just go on with your life as usual. In some cases there might be something you should do but that's very rare and I'll tell you about it if it's needed.


Question: What information will you need when I buy a spell?

Answer: For most spells full name and date of birth is enough. If more information is needed, I'll ask when I send an e-mail to your Paypal e-mail address.


Question: Why aren't there any testimonials on your website?

Answer: Because I find the idea of putting testimonials on my own website ridiculous. All other spellcasters write fake testimonials on their websites and there's no way to know that they're real.

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